Why Train Employees?

In recent years, the number of employee lawsuits has mushroomed. The types of lawsuits filed and the amount in damages awarded are increasing due in part to many new and convoluted laws created by both state and federal governments.

According to a study conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice, the number of employment discrimination and harassment cases filed per year tripled between 1990 and 2000. In fact, employment lawsuits currently represent thirty percent of civil litigation in the U.S.

Consider how many of your employees are able to resolve issues such as sexual harassment much less an act of violence. Are your management and employees able to resolve conflict? Are they effectively functioning as a team?

For businesses interested in sexual harassment awareness training, the Compliance Training Group (“CTG”), a division of Employers Choice Online, Inc., offers highly effective training programs to meet all your training needs. CTG will help you better understand and address the sensitive issues that affect your workplace, which can subsequently assist you in writing your policies and procedures in a more clear and concise language.

The Supreme Court’s decisions in the two landmark sexual harassment cases of Faragher and Ellerth, along with subsequent court decisions and guidelines established by the FEHC and EEOC, have indicated that sexual harassment training is essential for all employees, not just supervisors and managers. In fact, employers need to show that they indeed provided training to all employees in order to raise a defense or mitigate punitive damages in sexual harassment lawsuits.

But not only is this a legal obligation, it also makes good business sense. Sexual harassment destroys the work environment. The anxiety and frustration experienced by victims can impact not only their quality of life but also of their work. Ultimately, the employer pays the high price associated with poor employee morale, low productivity, and the cost of litigation. In comparison, fees spent on prevention training are substantially less than the costs associated with sexual harassment claims and lawsuits.

Compliance Training Group’s training on “Sexual Harassment Awareness” effectively communicates what supervisors need to know to help prevent sexual harassment at a cost significantly lower than that of other training service providers. CTG also offers Spanish and multi-top training programs that include Violence in the Workplace, Substance Abuse Awareness, Conflict Resolution, and Workplace Diversity.

Other forms of workplace harassment, while less understood than sexual harassment, are still devastating to the individual and should be taken seriously. Open communication and early intervention are essential in preventing and resolving all forms of harassment. CTG trains employers, employees, and supervisory staff to address workplace harassment with sensitivity, promptness and discretion.

Our Workplace Diversity training assists employers and employees in understanding how cultural differences in the workplace can affect work performance and overall morale. In recent years our society has become hyper-vigilant with respect to national origin, creed, gender, and religious affiliation. The workplace is not immune to the conflicts that arise as a result of cultural diversity. We all have our own biases but are often unaware of how our biases can lead to serious problems at work. Proactive communication is the key to resolving and preventing conflict, and in a diverse work force, the ability to resolve conflict in a timely and effective manner is critical.

Compliance Training Group provides your employees and management staff a more in-depth understanding of each person’s legal and ethical obligations, not to mention the punitive actions that could result from irresponsible or inadvertent workplace behaviors.

CTG offers its clients not only on-site and online training sessions, as well as long-distance webinars, we offer you the benefit of peace of mind. In today’s highly litigious environment, providing periodic training to all employees will prove highly beneficial in the long run.

Call us to learn more about custom-tailored workshops and other popular programs, which can be customized to meet your organization’s training needs.

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