Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion: Questions and Answers

On this page we share and answer some of our client’s most frequently asked questions on the topic of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training for the workplace.

Q: What Does Diversity Training Include?


Diversity training in the workplace includes helping employees understand the differences inherent in themselves and their coworkers such as race, color, ethnicity, language, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, gender, socio-economic status, age, and physical and mental ability and how these differences impact the work environment.  

Diversity training is one of the most important things your company can do for its employees. A lot of people think that we need diversity because it makes the workplace more accommodating and welcoming to different people and ideas and that it helps individuals grow into their full potential. One reason companies implement diversity training for their organizations is to raise individuals’ awareness or point out differences. An essential part of diversity training is to include historical landmarks of diversity in America, its race relation challenges, and establish the foundational knowledge, known as essential concepts. For example, diversity training has shifted toward the inclusion of women of color at all company levels, from the frontline service works to the executive suite. 

There are legal ramifications regarding discrimination in hiring practices, promotions, firings, and more. By training on DEI, you protect your organization and reinforce its values, mission, and vision for the long-term strategic advantage. Diversity means differences in people; equity means fairness; inclusion means belonging. The components of diversity training tend to include recognizing the differences in underrepresented populations. Organizations must be aware that selecting specific candidates may inadvertently limit diversity in employment levels, promotions, hiring practices, etc.

Diversity training in the workplace addresses all of the unique things about employees, including race, color, generation, ethnicity, language, culture, workstyle, nationality, tech-savviness, sexual orientation, religion, gender, socio-economic status, age, and physical and mental ability manner in which we work together. This goes beyond being “politically correct” and moves into the realm of learning how to embrace differences among employees and including the valuable inputs and perspectives all employees bring to your company. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training cover all aspects of this important topic for any organization. 

To encourage diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace, it is important to make sure that all of your employees feel comfortable in their environment. At Compliance Training Group, we provide a safe training space for you and your employees to discuss any issues regarding DEI with a qualified trainer. We also offer a number of programs to help everyone better understand the challenges they face and what they can do to help others succeed. We’re working on a new way to focus diversity training that recalibrates the conversation around professional boundaries in the workplace. We’re looking at specific, real-time examples so that employees can recalibrate their behavior to create a successful, productive workplace environment. 

Q: What is Diversity Training in the Workplace?


Diverse Coworkers CheerfulDiversity training in the workplace includes addressing all the unique aspects about employees, including race, color, generation, ethnicity, language, culture, workstyle, nationality, tech-savviness, sexual orientation, religion, gender, socio-economic status, age, and physical and mental ability manner in which we work together.

For a long time, Diversity training in the workplace focused primarily on skin tones, cultures, race, gender, and ethnic representation. However, the questions have shifted from “Are there enough Blacks, Women, Latinos, etc., in leadership?” to “Are people being properly represented at all levels?” For example, we’re seeing questions about the specific ways that women of color are addressing their own needs in the workplace as they grapple with their role in society and at home. Additionally, whether there is intersectionality in management, meaning do we understand people from all walks of life or just a select few. Lastly, we ask the tricky question: Are white males participating in the discussion or are they sitting back and taking the mandatory training? 

Diversity training in the workplace includes addressing all the unique aspects about employees, including race, color, generation, ethnicity, language, culture, workstyle, nationality, tech-savviness, sexual orientation, religion, gender, socio-economic status, age, and physical and mental ability manner in which we work together. This goes beyond being “politically correct” and moves into the realm of learning how to embrace differences among employees and including the valuable inputs and perspectives all employees bring to your company. Diversity training in the workplace covers all aspects of this important topic for any organization.

There are legal ramifications regarding discrimination in hiring practices, promotions, firings, and more. By providing diversity training in the workplace, you protect your organization and reinforce its values, mission, and vision for the long-term strategic advantage. Diversity means differences in people; equity means fairness; inclusion means belonging. The components of diversity training tend to include recognizing the differences in underrepresented populations. Organizations must be aware that selecting specific candidates may inadvertently limit diversity in employment levels, promotions, hiring practices, etc. 

Common topics of diversity training in the workplace include the essential concepts: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Cultural Competence; Stereotypes and Unconscious Bias Awareness; Various Forms of Unconscious Bias; Allyship; and Professional Boundaries in the Workplace.  

At Compliance Training Group, we provide a safe training space for you and your employees to discuss any issues regarding diversity training in the workplace with a qualified trainer. We also offer a number of programs to help everyone better understand the challenges they face and what they can do to help others succeed. We’re working on a new way to focus diversity training that recalibrates the conversation around professional boundaries in the workplace. We’re looking at specific, real-time examples so that employees can recalibrate their behavior to create a successful, productive workplace environment. 

Q: What is Cultural Sensitivity Training?


Cultural sensitivity training includes addressing all the unique aspects about employees, including race, color, generation, ethnicity, language, culture, workstyle, nationality, tech-savviness, sexual orientation, religion, gender, socio-economic status, age, and physical and mental ability manner in which we work together.

For a long time, cultural sensitivity training focused primarily on skin tones, cultures, race, gender, and ethnic representation. However, the questions have shifted from “Are there enough Blacks, Women, Latinos, etc., in leadership?” to “Are people being properly represented at all levels?” For example, we’re seeing questions about the specific ways that women of color are addressing their own needs in the workplace as they grapple with their role in society and at home. Additionally, whether there is intersectionality in management, meaning do we understand people from all walks of life or just a select few. Lastly, we ask the tricky question: Are white males participating in the discussion or are they sitting back and taking the mandatory training? 

Cultural sensitivity training includes addressing all the unique aspects about employees, including race, color, generation, ethnicity, language, culture, workstyle, nationality, tech-savviness, sexual orientation, religion, gender, socio-economic status, age, and physical and mental ability manner in which we work together. This goes beyond being “politically correct” and moves into the realm of learning how to embrace differences among employees and including the valuable inputs and perspectives all employees bring to your company. Diversity training in the workplace covers all aspects of this important topic for any organization. 


There are legal ramifications regarding discrimination in hiring practices, promotions, firings, and more. By providing cultural sensitivity training, you protect your organization and reinforce its values, mission, and vision for the long-term strategic advantage. Diversity means differences in people; equity means fairness; inclusion means belonging. The components of diversity training tend to include recognizing the differences in underrepresented populations. Organizations must be aware that selecting specific candidates may inadvertently limit diversity in employment levels, promotions, hiring practices, etc. 

Common topics of cultural sensitivity training include the essential concepts: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Cultural Competence; Stereotypes and Unconscious Bias Awareness; Various Forms of Unconscious Bias; Allyship; and Professional Boundaries in the Workplace.  

At Compliance Training Group, we provide a safe training space for you and your employees to discuss any issues regarding cultural sensitivity training with a qualified trainer. We also offer a number of programs to help everyone better understand the challenges they face and what they can do to help others succeed. We’re working on a new way to focus diversity training that recalibrates the conversation around professional boundaries in the workplace. We’re looking at specific, real-time examples so that employees can recalibrate their behavior to create a successful, productive workplace environment.

Q: What Should Be Included in Cultural Sensitivity Training?


Common topics of cultural sensitivity training include the essential concepts: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Cultural Competence; Stereotypes and Unconscious Bias Awareness; Various Forms of Unconscious Bias; Allyship; and Professional Boundaries in the Workplace.  

Cultural sensitivity training includes addressing all the unique aspects about employees, including race, color, generation, ethnicity, language, culture, workstyle, nationality, tech-savviness, sexual orientation, religion, gender, socio-economic status, age, and physical and mental ability manner in which we work together. This goes beyond being “politically correct” and moves into the realm of learning how to embrace differences among employees and including the valuable inputs and perspectives all employees bring to your company. Diversity training in the workplace covers all aspects of this important topic for any organization.

At Compliance Training Group, we provide a safe training space for you and your employees to discuss any issues regarding cultural sensitivity training with a qualified trainer. We also offer a number of programs to help everyone better understand the challenges they face and what they can do to help others succeed. We’re working on a new way to focus diversity training that recalibrates the conversation around professional boundaries in the workplace. We’re looking at specific, real-time examples so that employees can recalibrate their behavior to create a successful, productive workplace environment. 

Have More Questions?

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