Live On-Site

In-person Instructor-led Workplace Training

Woman trainer giving a live on-site work training presentation to audience On site instructor-led training is a form of training that involves a live instructor and either individuals or groups of trainees. On site instructor-led training is done at your facility (or a pre-designated location), and can be customized for dozens of trainees to a single trainee. We recommend a maximum of 25-30 trainees per session to ensure a focused and personalized interactive training experience. CTG uses Instructors that are knowledgeable on the training topic you desire.

Instructor-led training is the most interactive training format because it allows attendees and the instructor to engage in real discussions and allows trainees to receive real-time answers to their questions. Instruction can be delivered in the classic “classroom” format but can also be organized as an interactive workshop or any format that works best for your company’s culture. We offer a variety of topics. Please visit our course library for a full list of topics offered. Each training session lasts 1-2 hours depending on your needs. We also offer customized training sessions that cover multiple topics during one training session. Your company’s employee handbook or posted policies can also be communicated to employees during a training session along with explanations about the proper interpretation of the policies and consequences (constructive disciplinary steps) for violating the policies. Allow 30 minutes to 1 hour for this portion of the training.

Cutting-edge technology allows Compliance Training Group to employ striking visual aids that assist trainees in better understanding the sensitive issues under discussion. Our on-site training sessions are highly interactive and informative. We also provide easy-to-read professional materials such as custom booklets, pamphlets, slides, and other effective educational literature.

Contact us to schedule your on-site training today!

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