CA Workplace Violence Prevention Plan

California SB 553 Violence Training

California SB 553

As of July 1, 2024, nearly all employers in California are mandated to enact a workplace violence prevention plan under the new law. SB 553 training applies to all employers operating in California with a workforce of 10 or more individuals present on-site. SB 553 requires employees to be trained in workplace violence prevention, including how to report and respond to workplace violence. While a corporate plan can suffice for companies with multiple locations, unique circumstances at each site might require individualized plans.

 Exceptions comprise hospitals, other healthcare facilities, and service categories and operations outlined in Section 3342 of Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations. Employers in California could be subject to substantial fines for non-compliance with this legislation. According to Cal/OSHA’s penalty framework, fines for serious violations start at $18,000 per violation and could escalate to as much as $25,000 for non-compliance.

Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (Webinar)

Female trainer standing and conducting SB 553 training for client sessionOur one-hour CA SB 553 course is designed to help management understand the compliance requirements for preparing and implementing a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (WVPP) per SB 553 Requirements. SB 553 is a legislative measure aimed at enhancing workplace safety standards in California. It focuses on improving injury and illness prevention programs, by way of workplace violence prevention planning and training, to ensure the well-being of employees across various industries.

We offer a live instructor-led webinar that provides employers with a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (WVPP) to ensure your compliance under this new law. Our training solution offers employers a instructional guideline, fillable PDF templates, and sample policies to help your management team understand the compliance requirements for preparing and implementing a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (WVPP). California employers are required to provide a healthful and safe environment for their employees, not just to reduce workplace injuries and illnesses but also to reduce the risk of workplace violence.

  • Coordinating and implementing a WVP-Plan
  • Identifying, evaluating, and correcting workplace hazards 
  • Involving your employees in plan development 
  • Post-incident response and investigation 
  • Procedures to ensure compliance with the WVP-Plan  
  • Regular plan review and updates 
  • Reporting incidents internally and to law enforcement 
  • Responding to workplace violence emergencies 
  • Strict record keeping guidelines 
  • Training employees
  • Fillable PDF WVP-Plan Template  
  • Workplace Violence Hazard Identification, Evaluating, & Correction Record Template (5 Year Retention Requirement) 
  • Employee Training Log/Record Template (1 Year Retention Requirement) 
  • Workplace Violence Incident Investigation Report Template (5 Year Retention Requirement) 
  • Violent Incident Log (5 Year Retention Requirement)  
  • Sample Workplace Violence Prevention Policy 
  • Sample Anti- Retaliation Policy 

Workplace Violence Training - Optional Add-on (On-site & Webinar)

Our Workplace Violence Prevention course can be performed after the initial Work Place Violence Prevention Plan (WVPP) has been created and implemented within your company. Our workplace violence training course will help supervisors and employees learn to identify behavior and language that represents the potential to escalate into violence. This includes verbal threats, verbal abuse, yelling, pushing, kicking, hitting, stalking, and physical violence including lethal violence.

Our Violence in the Workplace Prevention Training was created to help employers and employees deal with the growing issue of workplace violence and create a dialogue about the shared responsibility of maintaining a safe workplace. Preventing workplace violence is a difficult challenge. Workplace Violence physically injures (and in some cases kills) employees, disrupts business, damages morale, creates expenses (medical, legal), and hurts your reputation.

  • Examining preventative measures per your WVPP
  • Working with your team to speak on your specific WVPP
  • How to recognize potentially violent workplace situations
  • Techniques to stop escalation situations
  • Security procedures to ensure the safety of employees during violent situations
  • Identifying signs and symptoms of domestic violence
  • Reviewing laws against violence in the workplace and the duties of the employer
  • Warning signs of potential violence in the workplace

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