Combating Contagious Illness in the Workplace Training

COVID-19 Coronavirus Awareness & Prevention for Employees

Combating Contagious Illness in the Workplace

There is no question that employers are legally responsible and potentially liable for employees and customers who get infected in the workplace, and not just with the coronavirus but any contagious illness. Today is the best time to create and implement your action plan to reduce risk, protect employees, reduce employer liability, and have continuing operations going forward.

Employers of both essential and non-essential businesses are now adopting policies including communicable disease training that are focused on best practices to reduce the spread of the coronavirus and contagious illnesses among employees.

Our course is designed to address the following workplace questions:

  • How can I avoid contagious illnesses?
  • How can I tell if I have a contagious illness?
  • What should I do if I have a contagious illness?
  • When is it safe to return to work after I’ve been sick?
  • Prevention of contagious infections
  • Proper hand washing technique
  • Early and accurate diagnosis
  • Effective treatment and mitigation
  • Recovery & reintegration

Massachusetts (Social Distancing & Hygiene) Reopening Training

In May 2020, Massachusetts laid out its Reopening Massachusetts Guidelines to ensure that the state’s reopening progressed smoothly and safely. This guidance included strategy’s and mandatory workplace safety standards for reopening all businesses and activities within the state during this time.

In accordance with Massachusetts, Reopening and Fighting COVID-19 Guidelines, our 22 minute course provides training for employees regarding social distancing and hygiene protocols required by the state for all businesses.

  • Prevention of contagious infections
  • Proper hand washing technique
  • Early and accurate diagnosis
  • Effective treatment and mitigation
  • Recovery & reintegration

Results of Communicable Disease Training

The Compliance Training Group Difference

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