Supplier Diversity

Request for Proposal (RFP)/RFQ/RFI

Supplier Diversity

Request for Proposal for Employee Training Services (RFP)/RFQ/RFI 

Diversity in employee training procurement is an important factor for many organizations when determining the best, most appropriate vendor. Compliance Training Group is committed to its offerings as a qualified and certified supplier of employee training services. Please see our list and descriptions of our certifications & qualifications including NMSDC, DGS, VBSE, SBA, as well as state, local, & utilities as a preferred and diverse supplier of employment training services.

When you are looking for diversity when developing your RFP for employee training services including an RFP for diversity training, an RFP for sexual harassment training, or an RFP for other employee training, Compliance Training Group meets or exceeds your requirements.

Capability Statement

If you would like us to bid on an upcoming, current, or future training opportunity please complete the form below and you will automatically receive a copy of our capability statement for download.

Contact Employers Choice Online, Inc., Certified SBA 8a & NMSDC-MBE Firm for additional information.

Employers Choice Online, Inc.
dba Compliance Training Group, Employers Choice Screening –

We can respond to your RFP for employee training services and look forward to providing a solution for your organization.

Email: [email protected]

(888) 338-0143 Compliance Training Group

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